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North Star welcomes residents of Darlington Housing Association - Find out more

From self contained flats to our Extra Care Scheme, we have a range of accommodation to meet your needs and to support you to live as independently as possible.

Older person’s bungalows and flats

We have a range of bungalows and flats specifically designed for residents over the age of 60.

We offer a range of support services such as alarm call help alongside properties being adapted to meet specific older person’s needs.

Sheltered Housing

We have a number of sheltered housing schemes across the Tees Valley. Our sheltered housing schemes are self contained one and two bed flats with staff on site if help is needed.

Extra Care

North Star has an extra care scheme in Stockton.  Our extra care scheme has spacious two bedroomed properties maintained to a high level with the reassurance of that care and support is provided and tailored made to your individual needs to maintain your independence for longer.

If you would like further information on advice on your housing options, please contact our customer services team on 03000 11 00 11.

Independent Living

We recognise how important it is to remain independent. This can be particularly challenging as situations change, which is why we aim to provide a service that promotes choice, control and confidence for people who need that extra bit of care and support. To find out more about independent living, click here.

For more info on our sheltered housing and extra care visit our downloads…