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North Star welcomes residents of Darlington Housing Association - Find out more

In March 2019, North Star signed up as early adopters of the National Housing Federation’s Together with Tenants four point plan.

We consulted with 108 tenants and worked with with staff, board and representatives from Tenants’ Voice Scrutiny Panel (TVSP), North Star Link and Tenant Advisors to co-create these commitments.

TVSP consult tenants regularly to see how North Star are performing against these commitments. Look out for texts and on our social media pages for you chance to take part in these consultations. Visit out Scrutiny Reports page to hear from TVSP members and to review their findings.

The commitments are designed to ensure our tenants can hold us to account on what is most important for them.

  1. We will build open and honest relationships that respect your individuality and make sure you have access to the information that matters to you.
  2.  We will work with you to improve what we do and make sure we keep improving. We will tell you how we are performing and make it easy for you to tell us if it’s good enough.
  3. We will provide you with a safe home that is in good repair. If we don’t, we will make it easy for you to tell us and make sure you understand how we will make it right.

If you would like to talk to us about these commitments or give feedback on how you think we are performing against them, call us on 01642 796 217 or email

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