North Star welcomes residents of Darlington Housing Association - Find out more
North Star measures and reports on what it does in a variety of ways – through our annual reports, financial statements, tenant newsletters, performance information and corporate plan. More information on all this can be found within this section.
Our audited accounts are available within our annual financial statements.
Equality and diversity are integral to all of our activities in every aspect of the work that we do.
‘Value for money’ at North Star means much more than simply reducing costs. We are committed to investing in our communities beyond bricks and mortar.
Our vision to 2026 and strategic objectives can be accessed here
We aim to provide excellent, timely, cost effective and relevant services across all that we do. See how we’re doing here.
‘Social Value’ is the value to our customers and communities in addition to what we do alongside a good quality, safe and secure home.
“Our overarching objective in the procurement choices we make is to deliver, with transparency, the optimum balance of cost and quality for the organisation and its customers”
Protecting the health, safety and well-being of our staff and tenants is important to us.
The Asset Management Strategy for 2022 sets out our approach to how we manage, maintain and monitor the financial performance of our stock.