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We recently consulted with over 200 tenants on how North Star can be more transparent. They told us that they would like to hear more about what the board of North Star does and how it makes decisions. We are going to publish board updates four times a year to let tenants know what big decisions they are making and how they are making them.

For the first board update, Anna Urbanowicz, Chair of the North Star Board, gives an introduction and some key information about the group and how it works.

The Board of North Star Housing

Who are the North Star Board?

The Board is made up of ‘board members’ who are recruited in a robust, open, and transparent manner and bring a significant range of skills, careers, industries, and backgrounds.  The members are named on the North Star website which also includes a little bit about each person.

What do the Board do?

We also call board members non-executive directors because they do not take part in the (execution) of the day-to-day running of the organisation.  Instead, the role of the Board is threefold; to be stewards of the North Star culture and values; to lead the co-creation of strategic vision and then the delivery and oversight of implementation; and to satisfy itself that North Star’s regulatory obligations are met.

The Board scrutinizes the financial stability and governance of the organisation.  In other words, how well it is managed.  All our surplus is reinvested in line with our vision and values.  One key aspect of the Board is to appoint the Chief Executive Officer, to which the Board delegates the operational leadership whilst retaining ultimate responsibility for the organization.

The Board has two permanent sub-committees which undertake detailed work on behalf of the Board in the areas of Risk & Audit and Remuneration & Conditions.  We will talk more about these committees in future newsletters.

How might the Board change in the future?

A board member can only stay in post for 6 years (up to 9 years in some circumstances), so we actively manage this rotation to maintain the right skills.  We are striving to have a diverse balanced board and actively seek suitable candidates with a range of diverse characteristics.

To be more proactive, in 2021 we launched a Board Trainee programme in partnership with Housing Diversity Network and our board trainees’ details are also on our website.  Also, in February 2023, we signed up to the Chair’s Challenge on Equality, Diversity & Inclusion and are working to deliver this.

Where is the Board’s focus now?

In April 2023, North Star launched a new 3-year plan called Leading & Growing to 2026.  This was co-created with the help of involved-tenants, all our staff, the Executive, and the Board over several sessions.  The Board will keep clear oversight and help support the Executive in delivering this plan.

What are we doing to ensure we can deliver the plan?  Well, the Board owns and scrutinizes the management of key risks that could impact delivery, and these are documented in the Strategic Risk Register.  The risks arising from the cost-of-living crisis are one of the most significant areas to keep on the Board radar, both the personal impact on our tenants and communities, as well as the impact on North Star financial planning.  Tenants must be safe in their homes; therefore, the delivery of good repairs and maintenance services are critical activities for the Board to focus.

Tenants are at the heart of what we do, and the Board works closely with the Tenant Voice Scrutiny Panel and looks at other sources of tenant feedback. We are listening to the needs of our tenants. If you would like to become involved in how we run your services, please contact