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North Star welcomes residents of Darlington Housing Association - Find out more

The 10th of October is World Homeless Day.

North Star has always been committed to tackling homelessness. We are members of partnership forums, build new homes and have a range of temporary accommodation and support available.

We are members of Homes for Cathy which is a group of housing associations that were formed in the Cathy Come Home era (1960’s). They came together in 2016 to mark the 50th anniversary of Cathy Come Home and to highlight the continuing needs of homeless people.

Homes for Cathy logo

Homes for Cathy continues lobbying for solutions that make a difference in the lives of homeless people and people at risk of homelessness. Homes for Cathy supporters share good practice that helps prevent homelessness and find secure homes for people who are homeless.

It is sad that there continues to be such a need. However, the need remains, homelessness is on the increase and we have a national shortage of affordable homes. We will continue to play our part in improving the situation. We will continue to support people who are homeless, provide safe places to live and have doubled our house building aspirations up to 2023.

Finally here is a short clip of a video. Poignant and inspirational, this says more than we ever could. Click here to view the short clip.