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What is Starts at Home Week?

Starts at Home Week is a yearly celebration of the crucial work our care workers provide. It acts as a reminder that a decent home is the first essential in turning people’s lives around and that those who support our vulnerable people in accessing it should receive the recognition they deserve. The following case study is an example of just that and we hope that it shines a light on the brave stories of the most vulnerable in our society.


SZ was referred to the Hestia service from HALO.

SZ has two children under the age of three. She was originally from Pakistan and was married to a British man. SZ lived in her husband’s bedroom with her two children as the rest of the house was uninhabitable. She was hit and abused by her husband and his family. Both children were born prematurely and social services became involved.

Getting the support needed

SZ and her children came to Hestia with very few personal possessions and had no income. Her Social Housing Officer (SHO) applied to Greggs Foundation for clothes for SZ and her children, and she was awarded £100 for clothes.

SZ was supported to claim full housing benefits and was also awarded child benefits, income support and child tax credits (£906.36 per month). Both children suffer from ill health and the oldest child has severe behavioural issues. SZ’s health visitor was asked to put child gates and other safety measures in place, but this was not completed.

The health visitor felt that the child didn’t have any behavioural problems, but this was challenged by the SHO, who successfully claimed DLA and carer’s allowance for the child. Safety gates were sourced for the property and fitted, as was a playpen, so that the tenant could safely do chores without worrying about her son. Her oldest child is now attending a specialist nursery.

The total income maximised was from £0 to £1374.76 per month.

Where are they now?

SZ was supported to apply for college and she attended Middlesbrough College in January 2017 to study English, maths and IT. She wants to work in social care when her children are older.

SZ would say that she is unable to take her son to the barbers as she wasn’t confident in her abilities due to being controlled by her husband’s family – she is now a great advocate for Halo and Hestia, she is confident enough to speak and to give out leaflets to other women with similar experiences!

Respite care for both children was sourced and funded by Middlesbrough Council. Both children have a nursery placement two days a week at half term and during the summer holiday. Additionally, Safer Families now offers a mentor to attend hospital appointments with SZ.