North Star welcomes residents of Darlington Housing Association - Find out more
New homes in Hartlepool are providing a more independent, comfortable and secure life for over 55s. Owned and managed by North Star...
A proposed cap on Housing Benefit could see the North East’s supported housing residents asked to make up a shortfall of more than £89 a...
North Star is highlighting the great benefits of supported housing in the North East as part of Starts at Home day on 1 September. The...
A scheme that encourages people to become more active in the online world is in the running for a national award. Time to Get Online has...
Teesdale Housing Association – celebrating 10 years of transforming lives “In July 2016 it is 10 years since Teesdale District...
Invested £12m to improve peoples’ homes Since the transfer almost £12m has been invested into improving tenants’ homes, not only...