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North Star welcomes residents of Darlington Housing Association - Find out more

Customer Service Excellence Award

North Star has been fully re-accredited against the “Customer Service Excellence” government standard for another...

MP backs supported housing

Local MP, Andy McDonald highlights the great benefits of supported housing across the Tees Valley, by visiting one of North Star...

Supported Housing gave Barry independence

"It's great now I can live in my own place. I would have been homeless if I hadn't got the help from North Star." Before being...

MP visits life changing services in Hartlepool

Local MP, Mike Hill, visits North Star Housing Group’s supported housing to see how it dramatically changes lives. North Star is a...

North Star invest in the future generation

North Star, a local housing association based in Stockton, invests in more than houses; they work closely with a range of organisations...

North Star’s approach to people scores them Platinum

North Star is the first Housing Association in England to receive Investors in People Platinum, and is one of the elite 0.5% of companies...