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North Star welcomes residents of Darlington Housing Association - Find out more

We’re Making Changes to the Tees Valley Homefinder

In summer 2023, we'll be making some changes to Tees Valley Homefinder and moving to a new ICT provider. Unfortunately, it's not...

How to Have a Safe BBQ at Your North Star Home

With the good weather now on its way, it's now time to bring out the BBQ again! Whilst this can be a fun, social gathering, BBQs can...

Spring E-Zine

Read our Spring E-Zine...

North Star receives accreditation from the Institute of Customer Service

North Star became members of the Institute of Customer Service in 2019. The Institute is recognised nationally as the leading professional...

North Star pilots new ways to involve customers

North Star is passionate about involving people in what we do. The constant improvement we seek requires effective listening and...

Tenant Satisfaction Measures

We need your feedback to help us improve the services we deliver to all our tenants. We are working with TLF Research who are doing...